Hedgehog mother, feminist hag, elf boy liker
"Wolves have no kings."
Nighteyes is here, if you weren't certain of that based on the review title!!!! Yayyyyy Nighteyes my BOY.
Also known as the one where Fitz doesn't know how to have a conversation about birth control, Verity is established as a Cool Uncle, the Fool is the best (okay, that's every Fitz book tho) and then it gets really fucking depressing at the end. Like, Jeepers, Robin. Take it down a notch?
Hahahaha. Okay, good start, good start.
The first Realm of the Elderlings book! The one that started it all! Baby Fitz, already fighting against more pain and tragedy than most people ever experience! The Fool when he was just really weird and disconcerting and not really BFFs with Fitz yet! Kettricken at her most randomly murder-y! Wonderful, eccentric Patience! The Wit before Nighteyes! The Skill before Skill pillars and Elderling statues and dragons got involved!